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Course Title: Beyond the Basics: Advanced Techniques for Electronic Journal Management Systems

Course Overview
In the rapidly evolving landscape of academic publishing, the ability to efficiently manage electronic journals is essential for editors, reviewers, and administrators. "Beyond the Basics: Advanced Techniques for Electronic Journal Management" is a comprehensive course designed to equip participants with the basic and advanced skills needed to optimize the use of Journal Management Systems (JMS). This course delves into the sophisticated functionalities of JMS, enabling users to enhance the quality, visibility, and operational efficiency of their academic journals.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

•    Transition from a paper-based journal to an electronic journal system
•    Configure and manage user roles and permissions.
•    Customize the appearance and branding of their journals.
•    Optimize submission and peer review processes for efficiency and quality.
•    Implement advanced metadata standards and indexing techniques.
•    Integrate external tools and plugins to enhance journal functionality.
•    Generate detailed statistical reports and analyses.
•    Manage special issues and supplements with tailored workflows.
•    Ensure accessibility and compliance with relevant standards and policies.
•    Implement promotional and monetization strategies.
Target Audience
This course is intended for journal managers, editors, editorial assistants, reviewers, and administrators, librarians and scholarly communications officers and faculty with existing or aspiring Open Access journals who seek to develop advanced skills. It is particularly beneficial for those responsible for the strategic development and day-to-day management of academic journals.
Course Modules
Module 1: Introduction to Electronic Journal Management System (JMS)

•    Overview of electronic JMS and its purpose
•    Historical context and development
•    Key features and benefits of electronic journal management
•    Comparison of journal management systems

Module 2: Journal Configuration

•    Setting up a new journal
•    Managing journal settings (e.g., name, ISSN, contact information)
•    Configuring user roles and permissions
•    Customizing the appearance and branding of the journal

Module 3: Managing Users and Roles

•    Understanding different user roles (e.g., Editors, Reviewers, Authors)
•    Creating and managing user accounts
•    Assigning roles and permissions
•    Best practices for user management
•    Granular user role creation and permission assignment for editors, reviewers, authors etc.
•    Utilizing user groups for streamlined workflow management.

Module 4: Submission and Peer Review Process

•    Configuring submission guidelines and processes
•    Managing the submission workflow
•    Assigning reviewers and managing peer review
•    Communicating with authors and reviewers

Module 5: Editorial Workflow and Decision-Making

•    Managing the editorial workflow (submission to publication)
•    Making editorial decisions
•    Handling revisions and resubmissions
•    Finalizing accepted manuscripts
•    Configuring double-blind and other peer review models.
•    Utilizing editorial tools for managing reviewer assignments and feedback.

Module 6: Production and Publication

•    Preparing manuscripts for publication (layout editing, proofreading)
•    Scheduling publication issues
•    Publishing articles and issues online
•    Managing back issues and archives

Module 7: Indexing and Metadata Management

•    Understanding the importance of metadata
•    Configuring and managing metadata for articles
•    Integrating with indexing services (e.g., DOAJ, CrossRef, PubMed Central)
•    Enhancing discoverability through SEO
•    Understanding metadata best practices for discoverability.

Module 8: Managing Subscriptions and Access

•    Configuring subscription types and access policies
•    Managing institutional and individual subscriptions
•    Setting up open access and embargo periods
•    Handling subscription payments and renewals

Module 9: Analytics and Reporting

•    Tracking journal performance with built-in statistics
•    Using Google Analytics and other tools for advanced metrics
•    Generating reports on submissions, reviews, and publication timelines
•    Analyzing readership and impact metrics

Module 10:  Monetization Strategies for Open Access Journals

•    Exploring article processing charges (APCs) and membership models.
•    Integrating with payment gateways for secure online transactions.
•    Utilizing OJS's tools for managing subscriptions and access control.

Module 11:  Dissemination and Promotion Strategies

•    Utilizing social media integration and email marketing for journal promotion.
•    Implementing website widgets for article previews and readership engagement.
•    Exploring metrics and analytics tools for tracking journal usage.

Module 12: Future Trends in Electronic Journal Management

•    Emerging trends in scholarly publishing
•    The future of open access and digital libraries
•    Innovations in peer review and editorial processes
•    Preparing for the future with continuous improvement

Course Format
This course will be delivered through a combination of ONLINE lectures, activities, hands-on software usage, and interactive discussions. Participants will engage in practical exercises using the journal management software, allowing them to apply what they learn in real-time. Case studies and examples from successful journals will be used to illustrate best practices and innovative solutions.

Assessment and Certification
Participants will be assessed through a series of practical assignments and a final project that involves applying advanced techniques to their own or a sample journal. Upon successfully completing the course, participants will receive a certificate (downloadable via the LMS) recognising their expertise in advanced electronic journal management systems.

Course Schedule
The course is structured for two weeks, with a daily online engagement using the LMS, taken at your convenience, supported by the WhatsApp platform for student-students and student-facilitators discussions, providing ample time for instruction, practice, and Q&A.

Enrollment Information
Enrollment is open to representatives of departments or research groups aspiring to establish an Open Access Journal. To register, please visit and complete the online registration form. Early registration is recommended as spaces are limited.

By the end of this course, participants will have a thorough understanding of advanced techniques in electronic journal management, enabling them to enhance the quality and efficiency of their journals. This course is an investment in the future of your academic publishing endeavors, equipping you with the skills to navigate the complexities of modern journal management with confidence and expertise.