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LAUTECH Annual Reports (2021/2022; 2022/2023 and 2023/2024)

LAUTECH Annual Reports (2021/2022; 2022/2023 and 2023/2024)

Dear All,

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. R. O. Rom Kalilu has constituted three Committees, each comprising five members and chaired by Professors Ade-Omowaye, Areo, and Osunbade, to compile the University Annual Reports for the 2021/2022, 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 academic years. Committee members have been assigned to various organs of the University, and additional members will be drafted as needed.

The names and phone numbers of members assigned to the different organs are listed for ease of contact. Heads of Colleges, Faculties, Departments, and Units, as well as members of the University community, are urged to cooperate with the committees by promptly providing the required information. The deadline for the submission of all necessary information is March 10, 2025.

Thank you.

Prof Beatrice Ade-Omowaye




Assigned to


1.      College of Agric and renewable Natural resources

2.      Faculty of Agricultural sciences

3.      Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources

1.      Prof Adeola (08033905244)

2.      Prof Adeola

3.      Prof. Christianah Olaniyi (08066442175)


1.      Faculty of Art and Social Sciences

Prof Osunbade (08062416150)


1.      Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Prof. Asafa (08039519319)


1.      Faculty of Environmental Sciences

2.      Institute of African Studies

Prof. Abodunrin (08036669941)


1.      Food and consumer sciences

Prof Mrs. Babarinde (08059427834)


1.      Pure and Applied Sciences

2.      Research groups

Prof Adebayo (08038099092)


1.      College of Heath sciences

2.      Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences

3.      Faculty of Basic Clinical Sciences

4.      Faculty of Clinical Sciences

5.      Faculty of Nursing Sciences


Dr Ayinla (08033726026)


1.      Faculty of Management Sciences

Mr Akin Abiodun (08036502318)/ Dr Adedokun


1.      Faculty of Computing and informatics

Dr Adigun (08038467294)





1.      PG school/

Dr Ayinla/Miss Adesile (07063553795)


1.      ODL

Dr Adigun (08038467294)


2.      Library



3.      Part time

Mr Adejumo (08039111250)


4.      Predegree/JUPEB

Mr Adejumo (08039111250)


5.      VC office – DAP, PRO, Health center, Works, students affairs, Physical planning, ITCU, LICT, Internal audit, LICO, staff schools, Security, Sports, International office, LAUCRID/ CEST, Quality Assurance, Career services, signage, inaugural, retirement lectures.

Mrs Adeyemi (08038752377)/Adepoju


6.      Registry/Bursary/

Mr Adejumo (08039111250)


7.      Research groups

Prof Adebayo (08038099092)

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Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), a first-grade unique institution of higher learning, is an autonomous public institution with the general function of providing liberal higher education and research in Nigeria.